Tuesday, November 29, 2011

10% off + free shipping >> toryburch.com

so, i've had a $60 gift card to Tory Burch for a while now.  how have i not been able to use it?  because i am deal seeker, and i've been looking for the best deal or the perfect item.  i finally found it:

the Tory Burch penny loafer
i know, super cute and preppy.  sometimes i am just in the mood.  i wore them with a white button down shirt and a grey grandpa sweater.  loved it.

so, back to the purchase.  i have been saving my welcome to the tory burch email list coupon for when i use the $60 gift card.  the welcome email gave me 10% off + free shipping.  sign me up!

total savings:  $60 + 10% + free shipping

why no ebates?  don't worry, i checked and they offer 3.5% at ebates, but i unfortunately had to place my order over the phone because my gift card was acting up.  bummer there.

1 comment:

  1. トリーバーチ は季節のオシャレに応じて、たくさんの新作を持ってくれました。出品数が限られているので、早い者勝つこと間違いなし!だから、好きなら、絶対早くゲットをおススメいたします。それより、トリーバーチ バッグについてのご紹介は今からいかがでしょうか?このブランドのトートバッグは、優雅な見た目でブランド品ならではのゴージャスさをさりげなく醸し出してくれます。大容量で、一日分を楽々収納できるのもポイントですよ!
